CasparCG Server Setup

Here will will figure out which version of CasparCG Server you will be using and download the appropriate Chromium version.

To begin with, let's recap the CasparCG version and what Chromium versions they use. The greater the Chromium version, the more features we have available to use.

CasparCG Server Version

Chromium Version

Branch Base Position

2.1.0 Beta 2



2.2.0 Stable



2.1.1 NRK Build



We would highly recommend going with either the 2.2.0 Stable or 2.1.0 NRK Build because their Chromium versions are much newer and allow you to utilize CSS properties like flexbox and grid. Both of which we will use in this guide.

CasparCG Version Downloads

If you have yet to download and install a CasparCG Server version, here are some links to each release listed.

CasparCG Server Version

Download Link

2.1.0 Beta 2

2.2.0 Stable

2.1.1 NRK Build

Once you have downloaded your version of choice, you will have to follow these instructions / system requirements provided by the CasparCG Wiki.

Chromium Downloads

Developing within the CasparCG Server is very much possible but, it involves having the server running alongside your web sever. This can be quiet taxing for smaller development machines. Along with the heavy amount of resource use, any time you relaunch the server all of your locally stored data will be lost. This is because CasparCG clears the browser's local storage each time it shuts down. IndexedDB is also not provided at all.

To combat those issues, we recommend using the table below to download a Chromium version and use this to develop and test your graphics. The Chromium and CasparCG Chromium versions are not the exact same but, they are similar enough that we will not run into any conflicts. You can compare each browser version at

CasparCG Version

Chromium Download

2.1.0 Beta 2

2.2.0 Stable

2.1.1 NRK Build


Last updated